Am I wrong to tell my husband I will NOT be going with him on holiday if he brings his untrained dog?


He brought home a small dog breed a year ago that I did not want and has since developed the "small dog owner" mentality of thinking that since she is small, she can do no wrong. Everything she does is seen as "adorable" versus the absolutely menacing behavior that it truly is. Like constantly jumping on people, strangers included. Or chewing on/nipping people's noses and chins, which she has done since she was a puppy and never grew out of because while I don't allow it and correct her, my husband thinks it's fucking adorable. Just last week she bit my nose while "playing" and gave my nostril an infection so now I have a hard painful lump inside my nose. My husband did nothing except say "Damn, that's fucking annoying". That's it.

Anyways, last year he took this dog with us to both Thanksgiving and Christmas with his family, who live a half hour away. I asked him not to but he wouldn't leave the house without her because "everyone loves her except you". He brings the dog. The family proceeds to feed her and overabundance of table scraps after I specifically said not to and we end up having to rug clean and douche our house for a week following due to her bowels. Not to mention the constant jumping, the constant having to look over my shoulder to make sure she isn't stealing food out of the kids hands (because she does, often), constantly having to make sure she isn't biting people's faces to "play".

We are discussing Thanksgiving and I asked him not to bring the dog this year because I needed a break. He said he was bringing her because his mom wanted to see her and that he would watch her so I didn't have to. He said the same thing last year and I was the one who ended up watching her. Therefore I said I wouldn't be going. I need a break from the animal and I'm not going through another stressful holiday because he won't let his dog at home and burdens me with her 24/7 (even on date night). He thinks I'm being ridiculous. Am I?

Am I wrong to tell my husband I will NOT be going with him on holiday if he brings his untrained dog?
2 Opinion