Am I wrong to tell my husband his dog is NOT going out trick or treating with us and the kids?


My husband has developed the "small dog complex", thinking that since his dog is small she has to do everywhere and do everything with us. She is skiddish, anxious, barks at shadows and pisses herself when frightened. Not to mention she does not like small children and tries "herding" them like sheep. There have been many issues regarding this dog.

So we were looking in to where we could bring the kids tonight to go trick or treating and he immediately stops and was like "omg we forgot to get Lulu a costume". So I said the dog wasn't going out with us trick or treating. I'm not going to jeopardize her biting a child because she is scared of their costumes. I'm also not going to chase around a dog when I'm already going to be concerned about keeping a watchful eye on my children. He got instantly offended and said there was no reason why his dog can't join and "have fun" and used the excuse of "well I'm sure she could use the excercise as well". I stood firm and said his dog is not going and if he tries to bring her, I will gladly take the kids by myself and he can stay home and hang out with his dog.

Needless to say he is pissed at me and saying I'm deliberately trying to create a wall between the dog and us (because I never wanted her) and that I'm being "unnecessarily mean for no reason" and that his dog is going to be sitting at home "wondering what she did wrong". Am I wrong here? At this point I'm literally just going to pack the kids up and go without him because he is sulking around the house and pouting and I know he is doing it to guilt trip me in to changing my mind.

Am I wrong to tell my husband his dog is NOT going out trick or treating with us and the kids?
3 Opinion