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21 min

Do older men better?

Older men are more stable, mature and sure of themselves. They are less interested in the pussy and more focused on the person. I mean we still want that chemistry, but we also want more than just... Relationships

31 min

Girlfriend is crazy?

This reminds me of a joke I was told. Here we go... I was sitting at this bar as a single heterosexual male. I look over at this married couple. They are sitting at the bar, eating and... Break Up & Divorce

37 min

What does it mean if a guy says you haven’t scared me off I’m just thinking I’m better off on my own not looking for a partner after having a date?

Sounds like an honest and genuine man, that is not looking for any attachment. I have mean plenty of fun and great women. But we go out and realize that she is at a different place in life than I... Dating

1 h

Do you think you’re a loss to people when they lose you for good? Why/why not?

I mean, you cannot really lose something you never had right? With everything in life there are pros and cons. So in relationships most the time those things balance out in the end, even if we do... Relationships

1 h

Haven't heard from him in 2 days. Should I text him?

I would not text him if I was you, but I cannot say that I would be right or wrong for doing or not doing that. I have had all types of nice dates with people that I have never heard from or seen... Dating

1 h

Does ‘body count’ really matters in a relationship?

Body count does not really matter. Values and ethics do. Relationships

22 h

I want to go on a girls holiday trip but my boyfriend has issues with it and not allowing me to go. Does he have rights to throw his decisions at me?

So first off, he can't and shouldn't try to stop you from doing whatever you want. Now let's put this into prospective. Let's say your man wanted to do something that made you feel super... Relationships

23 h

Do you ever get insecure about your S. O’s attractive and famous friends?

Sometimes... I mean if your SO is hanging out with super attractive and successful people its nature to have some concerns. But at the end of the day, you cannot let those insecurities dominate... Dating

1 d

When it comes to dating: Is leading with sex ever a good idea?

If you want and are looking for sex, then yes its a good thing. But that is not what I would consider dating, leading with sex seldom works out in the long run. Dating

6 d

Guys, Is she interested or not?

Don't over think it. Go on the date and say yes. Dating

6 d

Can you fall in love with someone who you have seen only once?

No, you can totally fall in love with the idea of being in love with this person. But you would need more than a day to tell if it was real love or not. Dating

6 d

How long does he need time for?

You are probably just as confused about the situation as he was when you did it to him. I mean basically you could do it again at any given time, and sounds like you really hurt him. I mean her is... Break Up & Divorce

7 d

I don't cheat out of principles, isn't that better than needing to be in love in order to be faithful?

There are three pillars to morality, and they are not consistent, they are influx at all times. 1. Legally- what does the law allow or permit. 2. Ethics- what are the social norms, or... Relationships

7 d

Have you ever loved someone and never admitted it? Why didn't you tell them?

Loved? No. Liked yes. Circumstances as to why I never told them, timing is everything and if time and opportunity is not really there... I mean it takes a lot of effort. After going through it... Relationships

7 d

Are you okay with simple classic date night?

Nothing in those pics suggest anything simple or classic. Look at the food, the camping and scenery... that all take time, money and serious effort to be consider simple. Simple and classic... Dating

7 d

How do you view polygamy?

I think it is normal for men to want to be... but honestly life does not work that way in Western Society. Relationships

7 d

Do men who are attracted to much older women have mommys issues?

No, they are into sex without attachment. Older women honestly date younger men, knowing exactly what they expect from them... and a smart 24-year-old man, will get down with an older woman who is... Dating

7 d

42 year old woman with a 30 year old man?

Not as long as you keep it in perspective. You start talking seriously about stuff, and the fun will end. Relationships

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