My boyfriend gave me money for my trip... I feel guilty accepting it. How would you feel?

My boyfriend has been out of a job for about 4 weeks. He just got a job yesterday, but hasn't started yet. He gave me a good amount of money for my trip to new york next week. I feel guilty accepting it because he doesn't have that much left in his savings, and he gave me so much... I already have money saved up for it. But he said he just wanted to ensure that if something were to happen while I was in new York, like if I got seperated from the rest of the group... that I had extra cash to get a cab or a hotel or whatever I may need... He said it would make him feel so much better if I let him give it to me. I answered "if it will help put you at ease while I am away, than I guess you can give me some... But not very much!"

Should I not feel guilty? Or do you think I am reasonable in why I feel guilty?
Wouldn't feel guilty
Would accept the money but feel a little guilty about it.
Wouldn't have accepted the money.
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My boyfriend gave me money for my trip... I feel guilty accepting it. How would you feel?
9 Opinion