Issues I Have As an Interracial Person

So there are many mytakes about interracial relationships, but not from the person who was born from this type of relationship. These are issues I have a problem with; I can't say all interracial people feel or care the same way I do but I want to express this in my mytake. Yes, interracial people have issues too and here are some of my issues:

Lack of social media coverage

One of my biggest problems with social media is that the only thing I found about interracials are "cute mixed baby pictures". Now I get its supposed to be a compliment but that's the only thing I have seen most people say about interracial people. Apparently, all that matters to full races is that we're good looking. Not our successes, what we did to give back to society, or who we are. We are here just for full races to gaze at for their pleasure. My biggest issue with social media is Hollywood in general. All I ever see are full race actors, and please tell me there no good mixed actors out there if Kristen Shitwart can be in Twilight and makes millions with one emotion. How hard is it to find a mixed actor? It shouldn't be.


I think we get a lot of stereotypes that just irks some of us as a group. The biggest one I could think of is that "it must be hard for our parents to be together since different cultures are clashing". I don't know about everyone else but I don't have this issue. My mother became Canadianized and abandoned her culture. Sometimes I do wish she brought her culture into my life then I realize 1. I'm an atheist and 2. Nah, I like my Americanized ways of life.

I notice the only people who have these issues in their interracial relationships will always have issues with the parents. Sorry, but if the parents hate you, obviously they're going to make your relationship life difficult. Also it's not hard to try to put both cultures in a child's life. You just have to balance it out. But the stereotypes are usually stupid for interracials.

The haters

Yes, we mixers even have haters. Some Felicias apparently think we shouldn't be born in the first place. It gets to me that there some people out there that have a problem with me just existing...why? Doesn't my life have the same worth as a full race person? This is stupid since its very likely that everyone is mixed and people are just going to hate. I'm just going to shake it off but it's stupid that this is still an issue.

Identity issues

I realize when I was younger I had an identity issue. I felt left out because there was no one I could really relate to. I mean sure, I could try to relate to white people but I felt most white girls had issues with me, so I never get along with them except my best friend from America. Other than that I haven't had that "connection" people make through race. Sure, I could also try to make connections with other Hispanics. But I haven't been in contact with one and the ones I could be in contact with are ones who are fobs. Also, I felt that if I try to make a connection with a Hispanic they treat me like I'm not good enough as a Hispanic because I am Americanized.

Oddly enough I make more of a connection with people of other races then I do with my own races. I feel that people from my own races hate me after the treatment I got in elementary school so I went and became friends with people (like blacks, browns, Asians etc) than I ever did with Hispanics and whites. Sadly, the races I became friends with are people who treated me like I am good enough then people who I'm suppose be with. Also when I was growing up wanted to be Asian (like Japanese, Chinese etc), so I can feel like I can fit in.

But now I don't want to fit in with my supposed races if they not going to treat me like a human being. I have heard stories of other interracials dealing with this type of issue and committing suicide over it. In a way full races can understand but there's still a barrier where they can't understand what it's like to feel this way. No, I'm not saying all full races treat me like crap daily I'm just saying the impact these few asscakes made definitely changed my perspective of my races and its harder for me to want to make connections with my races. Until they prove otherwise they are just judgmental pricks.

So these are the few issues I had in my life and other interracial let me know what you think!.

Issues I Have As an Interracial Person
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