Should men be forced to pay child support?

I was reading something related to abortion recently, and under that an American argued that if women were to have the right to an abortion (no matter the reason), then men should be able to opt out of child support (no matter the reason)

This warrants a bigger question about American laws regarding divorce as well, from what I hear the divorce courts have a history of being misandrist, they usually give women more or complete control over the children, and assets completely owned by the man are usually handed over to women as well.

What are your thoughts regarding these questions, and where do you stand, do you believe these laws are unjust to men, or do you believe these laws are fair to men?
Should men be forced to pay child support?
These laws are fair to men
These laws are unjust to men
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+1 y
It is incredibly sad how 14 women think these laws are fair to men. These women are quite sexist and disgusting.
Should men be forced to pay child support?
18 Opinion