My father is a psychopath?

The other day it was on the news that 20 people had died and he said: so what? Every day people die and every day they will continue to die and it seems crystal clear to me that they complain about that, before people died every day and nobody complained.

He says that death is something very normal and that we are all going to die and that if someone dies it means that they no longer feel and now they are fine.

He says that it is bad to hurt people and he has educated me as a respectful person, but he has that concept of life that he who died is already dead and nothing to do.

One day I asked him: dad, what would happen if I died and he said: I would bury you and that's it, it's a waste of time to cry for a dead person, I would just have to put you in the drawer and goodbye
My father is a psychopath?
5 Opinion