Have you had any nightmares recently?


So last night I tried to fall asleep but ended up staying awake til 8am. Finally slept this morn from 8-11a. Woke up for a bit but wanted to get more hours so I slept again from like 12n til now. Everytime I thought I was awake I was stuck in another layer of the dream. I was pinching myself, pulling my eyelids apart to wake up and it was always a new level. I lived in a gorgeous new house but it had a swampy lake out back that lured guests to it and sucked them in and ate them. Took off running with some guests invited to that party and thought I finally woke from that when I was driving my sis around but we hit a wall and the airbag exploded and burnt a part of her body. The EMT came to help her but i was still dreaming because we suddenly melted like paint off walls. The EMT ran off screaming. I Thought I finally woke again to walk to the bathroom. But it was destroyed with debris everywhere and a dinosaur was coming towards me. Pulled my eyelids open again and thought I woke again but people I knew were all hypnotized and crying tryna off themselves. Thought I woke again but my room looked diff and my teeth started to fall out. Finally a mf is up after internally screaming my way out 😭 Fck sleep. 5 hours will do. #FeelFreeToList #DreamALittleDream

Have you had any nightmares recently?
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