Ask what's on your mind!

myTakes: Other


What things or events are you older than?

I was born on April 4, 1968, and it was the same day Martin Luther King Jr was killed. The average price of a house was $24,700 The average price of a new car was $2,822 Gasoline cost 34 cents a gallon A loaf of bread...

Your Odds As an Average Man of Getting A Woman, Based on Height (according to one dubious study)

These are your odds of getting a woman, according to one dubious study. I DO NOT AGREE WITH THE DATA! Just thought it'd be worth sharing, regardless of me agreeing with it or not. Ideal Male Height for Average sized...

OH! So you think being tall is so great, do you?

Well, let's start by's NOT! Sure, you can deter people from a confrontation. Sure, you have an advantage of reaching things from the jar of peanut butter to the other guy's jaw. Yes, tall people can often...

Quotes relating to life

Have you ever sit there wondering about quotes and how it can relate to life. Well I am here to tell you that quotes can relate to life and it can be interpreted differently by different people. I am here to share some...

Eternal life in You

Humans are special because we control our own evolution. This idea is written into the bible as the first sin as having the knowledge of Good and Evil. The first evolutions of humankind was the inventions of clothing,...

What the experience of a Furry Convention feels like!

There have been quite a number of people who have always wondered what it would be like, to be surrounded by a large crowd of people, dressing up as their own furry (anthropomorphic animal) characters! For many of us,...

The Power of Story Telling

How do you see yourself? How do you comprehend what happens to you daily? How do you justify rejection? What do you tell yourself when you make a stupid mistake or when you fail? What if people had opinions about your...

Debunking the “HEMA fanatic” biased analysis of Samurai vs Vikings

The “Historical European Martial Arts”(HEMA) community has been around for a few decades, it has only risen in popularity within the last decade. The concept is good as it is meant to rediscover and preserve traditional...

The Road To Forgivness

What is the occasion for writing this text on here? It is difficult to explain. Like most things are, I suppose. But I will try my best. Let’s just say that it all started with the discovery of a song that I never knew...

Lessons from 27 years of life.

I started my young age with so much passion for the things I am going to witness, the places I will go, and the wisdom I will learn. I don't consider myself as a good person, and I am unlikeable in all sorts of ways. But...

20 of the many German inventions and innovations

Every country has it’s great inventors and innovators. However there is one country and ethnic group that rarely gets credit for their contributions. They are the Germans a group of people who were once considered to be...

Im kidding I was just joking. This does not absolve you from anything.

This was posted at one point on this forum as a Q&A.. One thing you never will see me do. And that is smile. I dont smile. I can't smile Why may you ask. Well. For years people been saying to me "Im kidding calm down" "I...

Stop generalising people based on their genders.

I literally see it all the time "Why are men so ... ", "Why do women do ...", and then there are questions about why people hate either gender and in the comments you can actually see people insulting the opposite gender...

Is everything just matter?

The most prominent view in today's society is that there is nothing but matter. It's all matter and nothing else we have moved on from the dualism of the olden days to more modern and scientific ways. But is this really...

"It's not what you hear, but how you listen to it." She said to me.

So, I have this older female "friend" so to speak. (She's actually kind of a stalker who works at my university campus as a registration counselor). So she basically looks like Jessica Chastain above, but much taller. Her...

Belief: The power to move forward

What is belief? The answer to this is different for different people. What or whom do they believe in is also different like some people believe in God, some believe in love, some believe in themselves and others believe...

Why I Love Women

As I've grown older I've had a greater and greater appreciation for women. No I don't love them because they can be bodybuilders just like men. Or be firefighters, police or soldiers just like men. Or have boring 9 to 5...

1000 life hacks: interesting life hacks you might never have thought of before

I was looking around for other things and I randomly found pics of these life hack facts and I thought they are so interesting I would just like to share even 18 of them with you. There is a website...

The British Language Pronunciation is Whack!

My mate sent this to me and I loved it so much, the call out of our pronunciation just makes me laugh so hard! I swear that the things on here are ways that I do pronounce...

Dear stranger, I wish you the best

Dear stranger, I know things have been quite harsh and chaotic recently and maybe they have been affecting you to an extent. If you feel down, sad, stressed or just bad in general, know that my heart is with you. I...