How/when do I tell my girlfriend that I have vitiligo?

Vituligo is an autoimmune disease where patches of skin lose their pigment and become white. I have it on my back and on my balls, but I guess it could spread at any point. It's not that as on my back because I already have light skin. But the skin on by balls is naturally darker so it's very visible.

We haven't been intimate yet, so she hasn't seen it. She's my first relationship and I've never had to tell anyone before. Honestly, I feel like I'm deceiving her. She thinks she's with a good looking guy but I'm hiding something that could, in her eyes, deem me unattractive. I'm worried that she'll leave me because of it. The part that hurts is that it would be completely just if she did.

When do I tell her? What do I say?
Tell her now, or ASAP
Tell her some time before you have sex
Tell her immediately before your first time
Let her find out and explain if she asks
Don't know
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How/when do I tell my girlfriend that I have vitiligo?
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