Can you be happy if you have everything but love?

I pretty much made it big in my life. I had a pretty shitty childhood and by hard work, step by step, I managed to make my life worthy. I have a huge success in career and I'm very proud of myself that I was able to pull that off, giving the circumstances and everything. I love my job and I love it that it pays good because I'm able to take care of my family and people that I love and also for donations. I get to have and do everything that I love; to travel, to live in luxury, to meet bunch of people, etc. People say that I'm very good looking. Everything in my life is just amazing and I am well aware of that... but I'm still not happy. I should be, I know that. But I know why I'm unhappy, it's because I can't remember the last time a man really loved me. It's been too many years. I'm full of love and I want a meaningful relationship, but I guess it's just not meant to be for me. All guys do is use me. I'm not even picky, I just have this really shitty bad luck when it comes to love. Then I look around me and everything else that I have and I feel ashamed that I'm even crying for something like love. This didn't bother me much when I was younger because I always had work to improve and stuff to upgrade, like goals and stuff. Now that I achieved almost all of my goals, I feel so lonely. I realized nothing matters if there's no love. Love is the ultimate happiness and I'd trade everything in a heartbeat for love. What do you think?
Can you be happy if you have everything but love?
29 Opinion