My boyfriend crossdressing and not telling me?

Ok so I've been with my boyfriend 2.5 years. Back in December he was on something called flakka. During that time I discovered he was wearing women thigh high and turning panties into crotchless underwear. He swore it was because he was high. So fast forward to last weekend. I found a laced g string under his bed. Really in plain sight if you walked past. Of course I asked. He has cheated on me before. He swears they don't belong to chick. A few days go by and I asked were those some chicks or you a crossdresser. He admits they were his and it's something he wanted to expierment, and doesn't want to talk about it anymore. It's not something he is into. I've had my suspicions for a couple months. worries about being bloated or to fat. Growing his hair out. spreading his legs to get a bj. Jewels from panties found on the floor, pieces of fishnet. I'm not sure how to remain supportive. I have all these questions for him but clearly he isn't open to it. I'm not even sure how to approach him on it. I want to let it alone, but its my sex life too. It bothers me he would keep something like that. I've shared life stories, sex fantasy, and myself with him. I don't feel like I know him anymore. I've tried telling him I love him and care about him. I have not said I support this, but I understand curiosity. He feels very attacked, and is being defensive when I asked. I feel he had to kinda like it if he's experimented for 9 months. I don't know now I'm confused on things.
My boyfriend crossdressing and not telling me?
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