Is marriage outdated?

So is it an outdated social convention. Or is it still the best part of romance, and a way to show permanent Undying love to the world.

Personally I believe in Undying love and I think that marriage is the ultimate way of showing that to the world. The only thing I consider few more permanent than marriage is a tattoo. Haha. But somehow I believe that I am strangely Outnumbered these days.

Many people these days view marriage has more of a sort of 10 maybe 15 year arrangement. And the question there is why enter into a permanent Bond with an exit strategy. Others are choosing to skip the convention all together seeing it is only an unnecessary legal tax break and a way to appease one's family and simplify the answer to questions about your love life.

A lot of my friends are getting married and it seems like every wedding there will be guys sitting at the bar betting on how long this one will last. It's said jokingly but it seems that people don't see marriage as a permanent thing anymore. Therefore if it's not permanent then what is it?

Note. If you reply with a textbook or dictionary response/ definition to the word marriage. Then you're a bloody moron! I am asking about the convention of marriage and it's role within Society within Society. Everybody knows what marriage is!!!
Is marriage outdated??
Social convention only but I still believe and want it
Social convention only and no longer required or should not be seen as permanent
Marriage is still everything that used to be
I like Rings dresses and parties f*** the rest
Fish taco!!! (See results)
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Is marriage outdated?
16 Opinion