Do women want a gentleman or a white knight?

Its not unsual to hear a woman saying she wants a gentleman, a man who makes her feel sepcial, appreciates her and makes her feel like a female in his presence, basically like men used to be in the past... except that men in the past didn't do any of this for free, they never cooked, cleaned or taken care of the kids, that was the wife's job, sure he was a gentlemen but he never actually worked around the house or done anything that women demand men do today... yet women still adore such men.

the men today (a lot ) are white knighting so hard is funny, they are racing to cook, clean and have feminine hobbies to please women, they replaced being a gentleman with being an "equal" (more of p*ssy whipped that equal really) and despite women saying this is what they want, they are still very unsatisfied and demand men become gentlemen.

I ain't a genius , but it seems that women either want someone to worship them and give them everything they want no matter how unfair it is... or they want a real man, not the cooking, cleaning kind of man, but a real man a man that treats them real women and doesn't try pleasing them in the kitchen... its one of two really there is no other option, you can't be both you either one of the other.
White knight
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Do women want a gentleman or a white knight?
20 Opinion