Would you consider a relationship with an android this realistic?

Two android characters from the very intriguing game “Detroit: Become Human”.
Would you consider a relationship with an android this realistic?
Would you consider a relationship with an android this realistic?
Yes. (Why?)
No. (Why not?)
Maybe. (Comment?)
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+1 y
Thanks for so many comments!
I’m honestly not sure. Most likely not, but our minds are only so predictable with love. Also I don’t believe it could ever be possible for machines to become deviant.
I’m also glad a decent amount of people know about the game. It’s not exactly a popular genre. Sorry if I didn’t include your favorite character. I just felt like showing the first to come to mind for both genders. And of course remember to do what you can not to spoil the story for anyone.
Would you consider a relationship with an android this realistic?
93 Opinion