Boyfriend ghosted me after argument (please read below for details)? What should I do?

I’ve been dating this guy for 7 months. In the past month he got laid off (which was very detrimental to him) and also lost his cousin who he was close to, from Covid. Because of these two things, he’s been very cold and distant - not only to me but also to his close friends/family. Won’t respond to texts or calls. I’ve been very understanding and told him that all I ask is that he lets me know if he needs space or if I can help in any way, and I’d be happy to. But instead, he just ignores everyone. The last time I spoke with him was a little over a week ago. He had invited me to a friends bbq and everything was fine until we started arguing about little things and he said a few hurtful things out of anger. I told him that although I know he’s going through a lot, saying hurtful things to me is not acceptable and I won’t tolerate it. He said “I love you. I’m sorry and we’ve just had a rough month but I still want to be with you” After that night he’s messaged a few times, but it’s been cold and distant. Then the last message I’ve received from him is “I’ve been so upset all day and sick to my stomach about our last argument. I don't know how we can ever move past this” and then just silence. I’ve tried to message and call without a response. I know he is ok bc he’s been active on fb and Snapchat. I even messaged his mother (I have a relationship with most of his family members) and she said she’s sorry and she hasn’t been able to get ahold of him either. I don't know if this means we’re over or what I should do? Please help
Just let him go and move on
Wait to see if he just needs time/space
Reach out another time to try to get response/explanation
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Boyfriend ghosted me after argument (please read below for details)? What should I do?
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