Is there a difference between girlfriend, femal friend, and lady friend?

I know someone who refuses to say girlfriend. He always say oh she's my female friend or my lady friend. But to me, those all have different meanings. A girlfriend is someone you are in a relationship with. A female friend is a friend who is female, you may or may not be having sex with this person but most likely its platonic. A lady friend is a person you are having sex with and that is all. You aren't friends, you aren't dating. Am I the only one who thinks this? Are all three the same?
All three are the same. No hidden meaning. All refer to the sex of the person you are with.
Each one does have its own meaning. Even though the words female, girl, and lady are interchangeable, then meaning behind each is different.
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Is there a difference between girlfriend, femal friend, and lady friend?
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