Am I justified to cheat?

I love my boyfriend. However, I have grown to resent him over the nearly 8 years that we have been together, as he is mentally and emotionally abusive towards me. This I am certain. (ie: not long ago, I had to stay with him while my family had covid and I am immunocompromised. I started the mandalorian finale without him and he told me to get the fuck out of his house when he knew I had nowhere to go)

I’ve tried to talk to him about needing more attention/affection, etc. and he blows me off. I feel suicidal with how worthless he makes me feel. I feel I cannot leave because not only do I not really want to because of how much is invested and I love him, but I am also afraid of what he will do. I smoke weed (was just legalized medically where I live) to help with my Addison’s disease and aspergers/anxiety/depression. He’s already threatened me before with my own bong, so I’m afraid he might try to turn me in out of spite.

I’m not getting my needs met and I am drowning. I need to feel loved again after feeling hated for so long. I am not a cheater and would never cheat. However, I’ve been told I would be justified but I am not sure. Is this true?
Yes, you would be justified
No, you wouldn’t
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To clarify, as I think some people may be confused. I have never cheated and have no plans to. My family mainly has been talking in my ear, encouraging me to cheat at times and saying I would be justified. I’m a firm believer in karma and treating others how you would want to be treated, so I have a differing opinion and needed some clarification.
Am I justified to cheat?
66 Opinion