Any thoughts on this question and response?

Girls, is the possibility of a terrible father-in-law a dealbreaker? Why or why not?

Anonymous (36-45)

Your man tells you about your potential future father-in-law. The father is emotionally abusive towards his children and their mother. He is mean, nasty, passive agressive, emotionally manipulative, and enjoys screaming at the people he supposedly loves. Your man hates that about him, and is not like that at all. But if you go forward with the relationship you will need to deal with him in some capacity.

Is this a dealbreaker? Why or why not? Feel free to ask for more information if you feel you need it.

My Conversations

sarahlumpkinXper 5 Age 19 , mho 25%
31 min
I would watch Forensic Files and take copious notes.
Any thoughts on this question and response?
9 Opinion