FaceTime with ex for 15mins was I wrong? should I just be a man grow up or how should I cope with the break up (been together for 1 year 5 months)?

So I broke up with my girlfriend because she was on the phone with her ex now I know that sounds childish but it’s not the FaceTime that did it for me it’s the I communicate how I feel about the situation and explain to her why I don’t like it and for her to do it multiple times not just FaceTiming but texting deleting messages it’s hard because I do care bout her and hate seeing her down but I feel like I put other people feelings before mine I just feel like u disrespect me once I forgave her did again it’s like the same shit over and over
FaceTime with ex for 15mins was I wrong? should I just be a man grow up or how should I cope with the break up (been together for 1 year 5 months)?
3 Opinion