Would you kick this guy to the curb, do you consider him a jerk?

So my boyfriend and I were on the phone, I interrupted him and he immediately screams SHUT UP and goes on to insult me further, call me a f**ing bitch, all while screaming at me and telling me I deserved to be told to shut up, for interrupting him. He made me apologize to him (then denied this, even though he said 'aren't you going to apologize for interrupting me?') and then responded with an "ok" and did not apologize to me. Later on we talked on the phone again and I was being sweet trying to console him even tho he did not apologize for being an a-hole, because he is having a bad day at work. I pointed out that he had not yet apologized and it hurt my feelings to be treated so poorly and he said "oh well I was planning on apologizing but now I won't because you're trying to make me". Wow. When we were getting off the phone I said I love you bye, he responded with the same back, then I even said I love you again and added have a good day and hung up. Not even a second later he texts me "I see how it is. Bye" and proceeds to block me on everything. Funny cus whenever he is mad and doesn't feel like saying I love you back he doesn't say it, and even gets mad if I point this out, yet he THOUGHT I did not say it back (even though I said it, twice in fact since I said it before he even did lol) and that warranted him in his mind to block me on everything. I called from my blocked number and was like wtf unblock me and he responds with "maybe I don't feel like it right now". is this disgusting behavior?
Would you kick this guy to the curb, do you consider him a jerk?
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