Is a total cheapskate expecting to get served his favorite meals asking too much?

My previous boyfriend (now ex) expected great/elaborated meals, different soups, creative salads and other desserts. However, the fact that he was demanding and doing little in return (I was working too) to make me feel appreciated got me unmotivated quickly. I started switching back to simple dishes.

I've invited him a couple times to good places (sometimes also spoiled him with a good gift) and he didn't reciprocated. He used to focus on fancy things for himself only, always used discount tickets, wanted to go dutch even on my own b-day, never even gave his own mother a good gift for her b-day and wanted to stay at home on the weekends, doing nothing instead of going out and spending quality time... not move out of the bedroom.

If a boyfriend is acting like that and is a total cheapskate (while his girlfriend isn't) but expecting great desserts and meals to be served isn't that asking too much?
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+1 y
At some point I felt as if he was treating like some cheap booty call or friends with benefits type and still expecting to be served like a king with elegant meals.
+1 y
I was his girlfriend but didn't feel treated like a girlfriend.
Is a total cheapskate expecting to get served his favorite meals asking too much?
2 Opinion