How to be the ideal girlfriend/wife material?

It's my first time being in a relationship; while some people say first loves don't last I really want this to work out. I know you're not supposed to change yourself for a guy, but improving to be a more suited to eachother is okay. So how to be an ideal girlfriend (generally speaking as everyone has their own preferences).

What's the right amount of clingyness? I'm a little clingy, I like to be around my boyfriend a lot. Even if we're not necessarily talking, I just like being beside him.

What's the right amount of effort? I don't want my efforts to seem overbearing or burdening to him. I do pack him lunches and do cooking as I like cooking. I don't mind being there for him on-call. I like to be the person he is comfortable ranting to about his day or sharing his problems with, but I don't like really sharing my own problems. Because of this I thought what if he feels it one-sided. That's not the case, I'm just more of a private person (with him for now).

What is right level of submissiveness?
I don't want him to think I'm boring or just follow everything he says, but most of the time I genuinely just agree all what he says and my nature is a little shy so I don't like taking the lead in intimate situation. I do take initiative in sweet, or cute gestures of affection like hugs etc. Overtime will me being like this become boring for him tho?

I'm not so shy and I don't worry this much about every little thing in real life; I don't know why I'm just so shy and nervous around him. My MBTI is ENFP - all my freinds would describe me and the loud, confident, unpredictable person of the group. Both at work and in Uni teachers and superiors alike have complimented me on my confidence and independence but I don't know why I'm so conscientious and self-conscious around him being in a relationship.
How to be the ideal girlfriend/wife material?
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