Is this a toxic relationship?

I'm genuinely confused and personally don't think my relationship is toxic but all my freinds do. But like if I'm happy in it and so is my hubby then it's not really abusive now is it. That's just his personality and he would never hurt me intentionally.

That said, he's just really clumsy and does sometimes have a bit a of temper. He also lowkey has a little toxic masculinity going on (one of the reasons my freinds hate him) but to me he's really nice, he stands up for me, is committed to me and me only, never shys from opening expressing his love to me as well as doing little things. Talk about love languages, when he found out I like to watch Korean dramas he learnt a whole language with me. If I could give him a rating on how good of a spouse he is to me, and how much effort he puts into the relationship - without hesitation I'd give him an 11/10.

However I feel naturally given his personality and his love for me, he's possessive and sometimes unnecessarily jealous. He's controlling in the relationship and conservative: however I'm okay with that as while he may tell me what not to do sometimes, if I decide to do it anyway he respects that. I'm usually in consensus with what he asks of me anyway. He's little rude to my friends (mainly because he knows they don't like him).

Regardless my friends told us to go to a one-off couple counseling session and according to the counsellor they recommend us to continue the session. They say there are many red flags that they've noticed within what we've shared about our relationship.

I don't see it though, do you get where I'm coming from. Every couples' dynamic is different: calling your friend an 'absolute idiot' is technically a mean thing to say, but with some friends that's literally a show of how close they are. What do you guys think?
Is this a toxic relationship?
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