What To Do About Friendship?

So basically the husbands friend (or so he thought) ended up telling her at a party that he is in love with her. Turns out she shared feelings first and went to express how her and her husband were having issues. The husband almost committed suicide and had to be held down. Anyways, when I got there all of this was fresh and there was a lot of anger. She said she cheated because he cheated first (it's complicated) while her sister was in the hospital before she died. She went behind his back, changed her phone pin, and etc. I told her that she had every right to leave beforehand but I can't support adultery. I told her that two wrongs don't make a right and she told me "that is toxic mentality" which I was confused as to how.

She even told me "Promise me you won't tell ___ that Jake is coming to the concert tonight" (mind you without my consent) which I was outraged by. I had met him at the vowel renewal originally. I was very upset and let him know that the whole thing was wrong. They swear that they are truly "in love" and it's not just feelings. I was so upset with having to hide he was there to the husband and see them kiss that I left. However, I ended up in some alley way and it was bad. I thought I was being followed (thankfully wasn't) and I was so stressed by the whole thing that I felt a horrific pain in my gut and thought I was blacking out. I eventually found her and told her and told her what happened and she was like "oh well to be honest you have been eating like crap here and I can only offer my services (personal training) for so long. She didn't even text me to ask where I was. There was a lot of anger and fighting in the house everyday. She even screamed one time while I was in the living room in rage and I heard glass break in their room. My advisor had to call me daily to check if I was safe/needed the police. I always got blamed for things from her during this. I'm at a loss for what to do because I'm still traumatized and upset by it all.
What To Do About Friendship?
1 Opinion