Is my boyfriend wrong for using my home equity as a point to not pay rent equal to half of my monthly expenses for the house? A huge fight?


First, moving in with me he had been saving $700 month with a $40,000 increase in salary within 2 years. I make not even half of his income and living paycheque by paycheque. He is not paying me half of my fixed monthly expenses for the house (mortgage, property management fees, insurance and property tax). He is only paying half of my monthly mortgage payment. I waived charging him current rental market pricing, property tax, and the insurance for the house. He is paying cheap rent. On top of that, instead of renting out my parking spot for additional income, I let him park there at no charge.

He went off about buying 2 Starbuck drinks in a row at $8 total. I was pretty shock. Then he complained about taking me out on dates on the weekend spending too much on me. Roughly, $150 we spend on eating out on a weekly basis. I also pay at times and I cook all meals at home. This explains it all. He counts and I clearly don’t.

I explained to him how every month I pay at least $400 a month more than him just to keep this house. I wanted to be generous and help him out a bit so he can save more money. In reality, it is not fair that he’s not paying half of the shelter cost and he’s complaining about spending too much money. He was is disbelief that I was generous to him based on my home equity and the cost to own. I would be generous if I had asked to pay $500 rent. He laughed at my mortgage statements and emphasized how not generous I am. He completely disregarded the fact I omit the property tax, parking spot, and insurance for him…and equity would pay these things off with the rent he gives me. Most importantly, he disregarded my feelings and the fact that I make not even half of his annual income living paycheque by paycheque… and I have monthly fixed expenses just to keep the house.

I cried all night and today. He apologized and finally see the monthly expenses I had been paying which I waived for him. Then he told me he would pay $1200 instead of $1000

He’s messed up and selfish.
He’s right.
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Is my boyfriend wrong for using my home equity as a point to not pay rent equal to half of my monthly expenses for the house? A huge fight?
1 Opinion