Is he crazy and abusive?


hi guys, just want to preface and say i know we are both in the wrong here to diff degrees so pls spare me the "it was ur fault too" I know it is, or if u do then pls give me a genuine response 2. my boyfriend and I were watching a youtube video and i said "oh no they dont know how to merge" rather than say "oh no that person drives like an asshole" and he became so angry at me saying something 'incorrectly' and started being an a-hole, I closed a cabinet in the kitchen as we made food and he scolded me saying "dont slam MY cabinet" and then called me a bitch and smirked at me and I shouldn't have done this but I pushed his face away, in the lightest way but it was to be disrespectful back, to get him to stop talking and then he got in my face in a threatening way, towering over me, calling me BITCH repeatedly to my face while his face was a half an inch away from mine. And he even hit my hand (did not hurt but it is the disrespect that counts) away and I said wow did you hit me? and he said "it worked didn't it". he then said the whole thing is my fault, rambling about how me asking him for a kiss this morning was just so annoying cus he had kissed me in my sleep a few moments before, and he was mad that I didn't realize he kissed me even tho he did so while I was ASLEEP. after getting in my face w a psycho smirk, calling me a bitch aggressively, towering over me and threatening me, saying things like "you dont wanna hit me" jeering at me, he pointed and yelled GO like one would do to a dog, for me to go sit on the end of the room and when I sat there sobbing, because I was in disbelief and shock at being treated like actual dirt, being called a dumbass, a bitch, being insulted, told he never loved me, gaslighted etc, he had the audacity to get angry with me for crying and told me to shut up. What do you make of this man?

im at my friends, ditching for good while he's working. reading opinions will help me not get lured back so go off.

Is he crazy and abusive?
1 Opinion