Guys, how would it affect you if you mom was a player?

This seems super silly & I never judge who a person wants to be with but I am dating a guy whose mom is a total player.

She prefers to date foreign men, which is totally understandable! I do not judge any preferences BUT she is seeing a Canadian in California, a Islamic man in flordia, and my boyfriend told me he actually has a step-dad who was egyptian & was caught illegally here and deported back.

My boyfriend has had a hard time with loyalty in the past from previous girlfriends, then he did some cheating of his own to get back at them, he was single for a long time and didn't see anyone, and now he's with me. He always asks me if I am interested in other men. I'm like listen, I look at men AND women. Get over it, BUT I don't think about making moves on them because I'm with you.

Guys, I was wondering if you could shed some light on how this would affect you as a person. It's not even like it's one at a time, no she's playing these men behind their backs & my boyfriend is watching it all happen. This is crazy lol
Guys, how would it affect you if you mom was a player?
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