Do you like when your partner lies to make you happy?


I don’t like it. I understand he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. But most times I prefer honesty. I was having bad breakouts and my boyfriend kept downplaying it telling me I looked beautiful in his eyes no matter what 🥺. But his friend was blunt🤣🤣🤣 and told me I needed to see a doctor. Which I knew and I did and now my face feels great. My confidence higher. And we were talking and I told him that if I look big he can just be blunt about it. Well without being rude just be honest. And I know he knewwww about how bad my acne was he just didn’t want to make me feel worse which I understand. But sometimes honesty especially from the right people not said to spite you helps serve as your motivation to do better and improve 🥰

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Do you like when your partner lies to make you happy?
2 Opinion