Is it okay if your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't want to post or announce you are together?


My new boyfriend doesn't want to post me or us on social media because he keeps his life "private". I told him I will feel secure if he post us so that girls know he's taken. Also I will post once he does and guys will know im taken. But he keeps giving these excuses saying "I dont want to rush that" I said what you mean we have been together 1 week why can't you just post something so simple. Then he says he hates social media. I told him he's making me feel like shit because im not even asking for much and he doesn't want to. Makes me feel like he's hiding me from some other girl. He also said he never really post his past ex except his last ex that they were together and she kept telling him to post him since they were together 2 years and he never posted until she asked. I just have a bad feeling

Is it okay if your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't want to post or announce you are together?
5 Opinion