Why am I guilt complexing my friends with benefits situation now that freedom is right in front of me?


I'm 25F and he is 26M. Basically I'm exclusive to him
but I don't ask him what he does on his spare time.
We have been seeing each other casually for 6
months minus summer break and are really
comfortable with each other. Anyway I only got to
see him sporadically as I lived at home with my
conservative parents this whole time and would
make excuses to leave and go have s* with him.
have felt trapped that I couldn't just leave when I
wanted to especially bc we want to hang out late at
night or have sleepovers. I finally got approved for
my own apartment next week which means I will be
living away from my parents for the first time in my
life. I was super excited for what this means for our
relationship but have started feeling guilty about
things I was fine with when living at home (i. e.
sexual relationship before marriage). I had totally
worked this out with my faith and felt not bad about
it but now that it looks like I'm moving on my own, I
am having obsessive thoughts and feeling guilty. I don't know
if it's just being taught something all my life that's
hard to break or just anxiety over the possibility of
new freedoms and what that will mean. I don’t feel like it’s actually wrong but I still have all this crap. What's
going on here?

Why am I guilt complexing my friends with benefits situation now that freedom is right in front of me?
1 Opinion