What lable or description should I place on this odd relationship I'm in?


We work together... somewhat. Different departments, different levels. We worked together for about a year before I made the first move.

He is not looking for anything serious, so we text... a lot... nearly every day, sometimes light and flirty convos and sometimes deep, intense convos about heavy topics. We have sex a couple of times a month and that's about the sum of our relationship.

We keep things secret cause of work, so nobody I know has met him and nobody he knows has met me.

I am satisfied with it all. It's fun and expectations are very limited because our personal lives and schedules often are at odds with each other. We often do just spur of the moment hookups. I care a great deal for him and he has said he cares for me, I believe him, but we're still in a good place without getting complicated atm.

But I like labels. I like definitions. I like wrapping things up in a box and knowing where it all places in my life. It makes it easy to coordinate my time and my emotions as I tend to be a very emotional person. Especially because I care for him. I just want to know what kind of relationship this is... we call it a "thing" or "something". But for myself, I need some sort of definition. "Thing" or "something" just doesn't cut it...

What lable or description should I place on this odd relationship I'm in?
3 Opinion