Should I still be in relationship with her?

We are in a relationship from 8 months, she is 29 n i am 26, she said I can't tell about this relationship to my parents so i said okay you can tell your close friends so she said no I can't i agree n now she is doing work n she is living far from their parents and close friends n she is making new friends, today i order a ring for her n she received today so she is saying that i have to hide this from everyone because they will ask how much price n from where you bought n I don't want to answer these questions so i told her to tell everyone one that i gifted you this ring still she is saying no n i am getting hurt because she spoiled my surprised i thought when she received the ring i will propose her because its a long distance relationship but she is not taking stand for me even in front of her new friends also, i know she will say them any amount that she bought the ring but she won't tell About me to them, so i am thinking she is playing with my emotions n feelings, what should i do?
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Its about 4 days ago she was in the online class so i was waiting for her but he slept while in the class so i texted her good night and after 20 minutes she called me n said i was fall asleep so i told her that you should sleep now she said okay n she goes for sleep after 20 minutes i texted her that i miss you n gives me instant reply miss you too so i asked her are you awake so she said i am watching a tv serial, she don't even think about me
Should I still be in relationship with her?
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