Asexual/aromantic folks, how do you define your ideal relationship if you are interested in one?


Stereotypically, the ideal romantic relationship consists of two people attracted to each other both romantically and sexually. While it is not impossible for ace/aro people to be in relationships that fit that criteria as well, it is interesting to learn how relationships and dating are perceived by asexual and aromantic people.

I've heard a bunch of interesting takes from asexual friends talking about how they feel disgusted by sex and don't want it in their relationship but are open to having sex only for the sake of their partners, to those on the aromantic spectrum sharing their take on how they don't feel like a romantic attraction is required for a healthy and happy partnership and you could be dating someone you're not attracted to. Not things you would hear from allosexual and alloromantic people.

Of course, both these orientations are on a spectrum and it is ultimately a feeling so a lot depends on what a bunch of abstract terms mean to you.

Asexual/aromantic folks, how do you define your ideal relationship if you are interested in one?
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