Physically strong woman, body builders perhaps and their violence in relationships?

I'm curious about this.

After all the portrayal's of "strong" women (physically) throughout the years, both in fiction and non-fiction. Where they reverse the roles as is par for the course in the modern world. A lot men are raised to believe that you never hit your women. and so, a lot of men never do. Which is based on us being the physically stronger sex, on average.

If the roles were reversed in some relationships, where the man is weak but the female is empowered and physically strong, some sort of amazon / body builder. Do you think she would never hit her partner, even after a big misunderstanding? Or would she impulsively lash out and squash your head like a melon. If any guy has been in this situation before maybe you have some first experience to share.

Females haven't been taught to never hit their partners.
- Toxic feminist ideologies have them believing their abuse toward their male partners is justified and normal. Even if they have a good partner.

For example, they may truly believe a cartoony lie that all men just F whatever we want, take whatever we want and do whatever we want without worrying about the consequences lol hulk smash right. and so they then proceed to treat all men as if we're like that. Their fantasy version of what a man is and does.

Digressing a little, back to the Question.

In your experience or (do you think) strong women paired with a physically weak man would have at least the same level of respect and self control as a "good" strong man? Who would protect their partner and never hit them. Or, would these women be more violent and impulsive on average than their male counterparts, or... maybe the majority of that type does not have good values and it becomes a Dominating thing?

1 y
I selected the relationship section (Twice) but for whatever reason it's putting this is sexuality, which is not the right section.
Physically strong woman, body builders perhaps and their violence in relationships?
Post Opinion