My boyfriend never comes to my house on time and dosent respect the time I set? Am I being controlling?

My boyfriend NEVER comes to my house on time. Bearing in mind if I lived alone and he had a key this would be a completely different story but I live with my two parents and puppy and he knows my mom hates people coming back after 11pm because it wakes the dog up and wakes everyone up. I’ve told him loads of times to come before 12am and he dosent, it seems like it gets later everytime and it just gets me so upset and angry, I tell him and nothing changes. I’ve never been very stern with him though I say it as a joke but it’s just ridicolous now. I find it hard to stay awake after 12am as well. I leave the door open for him and he still takes agies to get there. He’s not even busy he’s just with his friends smoking weed. Am I being unreasonable here? I don’t know I feel like I might be a bit controlling telling him to come early but I just don’t understand why he can’t? This happens everytime and my mom HATES it. He will tell me he’s on his way then 2 hours later he’s still not here.

My boyfriend never comes to my house on time and dosent respect the time I set? Am I being controlling?
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