Honestly is cheating in your partner's house or marital bed cruel and evil?


It doesn't matter if you're girlfriend and boyfriend or married. Cheating is already bad but to bring the AP (affair person) in the house or do on the marital bed, well that has to be evil.

Whenever I hear those stories, I think ''Damn, if you're going to cheat, couldn't you at least have the minimum respect to do it elsewhere''. I think when they do that, they likely don't even like their partners or spouses anymore. Wouldn't you say that's cruel and evil?

10 mo
You're not just cheating right there but clearly expressing your dislike towards the whole relationship and even contempt towards your partner/spouse. You have to hate them if you've reached that point of total, blatant disrespect.
Honestly is cheating in your partner's house or marital bed cruel and evil?
4 Opinion