- 1 y
I find people forget logic and common sense when they lie because lying is itself an irrational act. Like one girl claims I slept with 200 guys and then can’t explain why I rejected her boyfriend if I slept with 200 guys or why I would think sex with 200 guys feels different from six with 5 or 10 guys. People who lie, don’t consider all the implications of the scenarios they create so a logical analysis will prove they are liars.
10 Reply
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1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. When things don’t add up and it becomes a pattern. That’s just who they are and whatever they say doesn’t mean anything anymore 😂. The thing about truth is, you don’t need to defend it. It will defend itself
11 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
1.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Let me guess. You are honest.
The first thing to realize- if you are honest - is that a liar is going to outgun you. They have way more experience then you do. Being honest you won't even think they might being. We tend to project ourselves on others. Honest people project honesty.
My first rule is something seems off it is usually be cause it is. We pick up a lot that doesn't find it's way to the neocortex. The unconcious mind might send red flags up the chain - our gut reaction/feminine intuition.
Second rule is never accuse. You are only telling a liar that you suspect them. If it is something you can go to a court on gather the evidence instead. If it is an injury like cheating don't even act differently let alone accuse.
I might be given a reason and a red flag pops up. A liar has made up a story and the honest person has just recounted facts. Come back to this story some time later. The honest person just repeats. The liar embellishes and makes the story more convincing. The story changes and that's the tell.
If it is cheating both the innocent and the guilty vigorously deny so there is no point accusing - you won't get a guilty plea. Your task is to assess as Judge and Jury and convict or dismiss in your own mind. They don't get a vote10 Reply- 1 y
People who are bad at lying get caught.
People who are good at lying get caught less often, by definition.
Good liars are charming, sharp, and witty.
That’s why it’s easy to get blindsided by them.
If they are good at hiding it, it’s not going to be obvious. Someone here said intuition, and I agree.
If everything seems to check out. But, your gut is telling you otherwise. As long has your gut has a good track-record of being right, trust your gut.12 Reply- 1 y
Margaery Tyrell is a good example of a good liar from fiction. She’s very disarming, yet cunning, and plans carefully.
You can keep an eye out for missteps, and for instances where thighs don’t quite add up.
But if they’re sharp, there won’t be many instances of missteps, if any.
So that’s why you listen to your gut—your intuition.
Because your subconscious can pick up on what their subconscious is up to.
Micro-expressions and things like that may go unnoticed consciously, but your subconscious can notice them, and give you a feeling of unease that you can’t explain. - 1 y
Where things* don’t add up
Typo “thighs” 🍗🤦♂️
Not to sound old but it comes from personal experience. You could read about signs and signals and what someone might do when lying... but nothing beats experience. If you know someone well and they're lying you will notice something is slightly off, might not be able to pin point what. When you're younger you just think "oh it's just me" and you could be right, when you have experience you just... know. Sorry, not very helpful.
10 Reply866 opinions shared on Relationships topic. It doesn't matter how good they are they usually tell on themselves and if you want to know all you have to do is pay attention look into their eyes and listen to what they don't say more than what they do say because that tells you everything and the truth always comes out one way or the other and always finds its way out
10 Reply- 1 y
normally liars are full of contradictions because after enough lies they forget their previous ones cause clearly they think they are in the clear at that point and forget their lies so if you want to catch a liar, bring up a previous lie of theirs and by their reaction you can detect if they lied and you can do it with more than one but if they lied once, they will most likely do it again.
10 Reply - 1 y
Ask yourself what they stand to gain by what they tell you and see where it lies in terms of purity, morality, fact and flawless love and wisdom.
If it goes against any of these precious stones, please and please, they are lying to you.
Lies seeks for one of three things, your life, your substance or your soul. If all these three are not being compromised, you are safe.10 Reply Vague answers, tries to change the subject, they might appear calm but their heartbeat might be racing. Now this one’s weird but I've done it before. I was lying on my ex’s chest and i have been suspicious of him so we were having a calm fun conversation and out of nowhere i asked him a very specific but random question. His response sounded calm and had the “idgaf” tone but his heartbeat was racing faster. I knew he was lying right then and there.
10 Reply- 1 y
So basically the story changes and you call them out on it. I have a friend that does this all the time! I called him out once and he didn’t talk to me for two years! Yeah what the hell is all I gotta say. But we are fine now.
10 Reply 1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I think one tell tale hint is when their stories are too perfect over and over again, and it seems too convenient for it to be true.
31 Reply- 1 y
I used to work with a guy at a flooring company, and we had to go out and measure the jobs we sold. This guy was always gone for long periods of time, and he always had a bizarre excuse for why he came back so late. After a while, no one believed him, because his excuses were so complicated and hard to believe.
384 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Movements, and usually me having the knowledge. But i ain't sayin' nothing, just let them think they get away with that shi :)
10 Reply- 1 y
Read their body language as they’re fibbing. Especially if they look to their right. And if they’re fidgeting/messing with their hair/acting awkward.
10 Reply 832 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Too much or too little eye contact. IE: The extremes.
10 Reply6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. There's no telling. Most people aren't that good at lying.
10 ReplyFirstly you need to know that person well. Subtly pester them about it. If their story upto the smallest of the details is the same then probs its not a lie. Also body language and tone.
10 Reply- 1 y
I know it, if I know them well enough as a person. Or sarcasm.
10 Reply - 1 y
They will sometimes use general terms and not be as specific. I get some people might forget but usually if people are telling the truth they will be far more specific about certain details.
00 Reply 6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I could always tell my former boss w a s lying. His lips would be moving
10 Reply839 opinions shared on Relationships topic. You probably don't know until you have time to check the facts.
10 Reply5.5K opinions shared on Relationships topic. You don't have this problem if you just assume what somebody tells you is a lie 50% of the time. It's not scientific. But a majority of the people lie to you. If you just always operate from that assumption you're never disappointed.
00 ReplyBy observing how sleek they are with diverting attention from their lie.
10 Reply- 1 y
No telling besides listening to your gut and knowing they’re full of shit
10 Reply - 1 y
Look them into their eyes the eyes will dilate. Unless they're a good liar. Their heart rate also goes up.
10 Reply When someone is trying to deceive we can use our wisdom a spirituality decrement from God.
10 Reply- 1 y
If I suspect someone of lying about something I ask for details. Then a week or two later I ask to be reminded about whatever it is to see if the details are the same.
10 Reply - 1 y
With all the shit I gone through, I don't believe it until I see it. Lol.
10 Reply - 1 y
If they are "good in hiding it" as you have mentioned, then most likely i would not know.
10 Reply Most women lie when they are smiling. Left look left too when you know the truth
10 Reply1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. That hard to tell, unless he/she is doing same again and again
10 Reply2.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. hard to remember everything in a lie over time they'll give it up that they were lying
10 Reply- 1 y
The truth always comes to surface.
10 Reply When their story doesn’t add up.
10 Reply- 1 y
Most liars don't look right at you when they lie
11 Reply- 1 y
No and yes.
I struggle with eye contact during speaking with anyone or any form of interaction. It’s uncomfortable and annoying. Useless really. Body language and tones of voice say lots more than words and eyes - however, many folks have different ways of deciphering things. But that’s just for me. Eyes 👀 nope!
3.6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Watch the eyes.
20 ReplyThere are a lot of ways...
00 Reply386 opinions shared on Relationships topic. lairs are easy to recognize
10 Reply- 1 y
their body language and eyes
10 Reply Learn to read body language
10 Reply- 1 y
i have my dreams
10 Reply - 1 y
Because they're in denial and I can sense it 😏
00 Reply - 1 y
People lie to themselves not you.
00 Reply 1.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Intuition
20 Reply477 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Easy, They are Confident.
00 Reply
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