I need a solution, can anyone help?


So I've been with this girl. I've tried breaking up with her. When I try she starts to cry and hyperventilates and stops me from breaking up. I'm trapped with her because she ended up moving in with me and nowhere else to go. I tried telling her to move back with her mom but her sisters occupying her room. I want to break up with her because she gets too jealous and insecure. I be nice to a waitress without her getting mad or stare in a direction where there's a female even though I'm not looking at them. She makes me block friends that are girls on instagram, she secretly gets on my discord and removes these servers that have girls in them. We work together so I have to be careful how I talk to other coworkers that are girls or else she gets upset though there's nothing serious going on. Her friends that work in her department give me cold shoulders when I'm being nice to them. She always tells them her side of the stories which they believe. I try talking about our relationship in hopes that we can fix things but she continues on doing things then plays the victim. She has guy friends and it doesn't bother me because I trust her but she doesn't trust me. I have to take my phone everywhere with me or she ends up taking it and seeing things and starts painting her own narrative when it's not even what it looks like. I've given her my phone to prove I'm not cheating. But she still thinks I'm hiding something. I peak over at her department at work and see her crying to her coworkers to play the victim so they take her side. I'll be home on my days off, she comes home with an attitude or sad. I cared to help her through it all but then it got to the point that it's just getting too much and she makes me feel bad for not caring for her when she feels down. Her sad times out weigh her good times. I'm just a happy carefree spirit and she always comes ruining it all the time. I'm stuck and I don't know how to get out of this situation.

I need a solution, can anyone help?
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