I have low self-esteem?


Recently, i have noticed that i am falling into despair there is this feeling inside me that i want to cry but im afraid doing so might sever my relationships.

Sometimes I can't control that my past from controlling my mind
Sometimes i have a hard time expressing myself
Sometimes i feel like i don't deserve this world
Sometimes when i think about people i can't seem to think logically and its like a black hole for my thoughts
I've actually tried to kill myself (2 times when i was 13 , and 1 time when i was 15)
(The last time i told myself that i will every day as it is my last day, and i have to accept my place in this world, maybe ill be forever alone.)
I feel scared
I feel so misunderstood
I feel miserable
I feel out of place
I feel like im losing the consistency of my mind
Sometimes i would ask why god would give me the ability to speak several languages, have 2300 elo in chess, good at mathematics (i did calculus when i was 14)
, i learnt 5 coding languages, and i also have an extremely sharp memory, I could read for like 4-5 hours maximum would be 9hours.

But not a companion who would help me in my darkest hours i will always be alone talking to me myself.

I don't know but why i am struggling in this regard i consider myself to be extremely intelligent (for some reason i can even imagine numbers in a graph...) but i seriously struggled with relationships.

I don't know how to cope with it, do you have any suggestions, and maybe tell me more about your personal insights and experiences.
5 mo
I was also attractive. Im not gonna show my face but even in attractiveness apps i score about 93-97%And i kind of looked like a younger version of Omar borkan mixed with burak deniz
I have low self-esteem?
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