My girlfriend has become distant and is completely shutting me out. She insists it isn't me but I can't take it anymore. What do I do?


My girlfriend and I have been together for 9+ months now & we are atm doing the long-distance thing. Haven't seen each-other for a couple of months and won't be a couple of more until we do again..

Until recently, things have been really great. We haven't had any problems and we had a really strong connection.

Over the last couple of months, she has been dealing with some personal things. She discovered her mom has cancer, and amongst other family matters she has basically admitted to me that she is going through what she thinks may be depression.

I've tried everything to let her know that I am there for her, and that she should talk to me and that I want to help her through whatever she is dealing with. Instead, she has refused and is completely shutting me out.

She won't communicate, she barely even texts me anymore. When I text her, I get short responses and often takes her 1-3 hours to respond. She hasn't so much as called me on the phone not one time in the last 2+ months. Every conversation feels transactional.

In my mind I am thinking there is no way this is a healthy relationship any longer. The more I try to put in and be there for her, the more she pulls away. I spoke to her about how distant she has become and she insisted to me that it has nothing to do with me, that she has just become this way with everybody.

I am torn between trying to be compassionate and having empathy vs being brutally honest and letting her know that basically I can't put up with this any longer. My mind is thinking a million things. We are far apart and barely speak and I wonder if she wants to end things but can't tell me, or if she is cheating on me, or if it's something else.

My girlfriend has become distant and is completely shutting me out. She insists it isn't me but I can't take it anymore. What do I do?
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