I (40M) uncovered my wifes (39F) affair. How can I be certain she ended it?

I discovered my wife is having an affair with a mutual friend. We've been married for 10 years and have 3 children together. She wants to stay with me and claims she ended the affair. She has expressed guilt and remorse for her actions. She says that she told this person that they need to end things and then she 'restricted' them on Facebook. When I look at the chat history, she purged it and all that remained was a message from him saying 'Oh ok, I'll be here for you.' which my wife then hearted. Yes I am missing the context here, but to me it leaves things open for her to return to him at any time.

What can she do to officially end the affair and ensure that I feel comfortable it is over and done with so that I can start to rebuild my trust in her. Also, this other person is married and his wife has no idea, in fact his wife is inviting us to a birthday dinner in a week or so.

So far I've considered having her delete all social media, or grant me full access to it as well as her phone.. At this point I cannot trust her, I think I need to leave.
I (40M) uncovered my wifes (39F) affair. How can I be certain she ended it?
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