Who has it harder when trying to improve their desirability: men or women?

My question is not about the theoretical babble about who has it easier based on their biology alone but more specific.

Assume that you are a mid-grade person (male or female) of no particular means, no inheritance, no influential parents. You weren’t particularly good looking nor unattractive, and in all ways basically a run-of-the-mill kind of average. Just as close to middle of the road as possibly. and wanted to “level-up” to become a high-value/highly-desirable person…who would have it easier, a man or a woman?

Since we all define what makes a man a highly desirable differently than we may define a highly-desirable woman, there is no single formula for doing so. What are your thoughts? Can it even be done?
Who has it harder when trying to improve their desirability: men or women?
26 Opinion