Domestic violence (I know, touchy subject)?

my best friend & girlfriend got into an argument, she shoved/slapped him so he called the police, she said look at him and look at me... (he is 6'4 250 lbs she is 5'2 120 lbs... he did absolutely nothing to her, (she claims he chest bumped her and threw her down (no evidence and he denies), HE got arrested, and has a No Contact Order against him so he cannot even see his 3 month old baby boy... HOW in the HELL is this justified? his life is ruined, because he had enough of her BS and called the police ON HER!

They are trying to force him to take a plea of 4th degree DV, 5 years probation, has to surrender his guns and NEVER be able to own a a gun again, go to drug alcohol and anger classes, and pay fines! his other option is to fight it, he will still have the DV charge on his record (win or lose), they are saying they will go after a year in jail and $5k fines, and still srrender/lose gun rights, and protection order stays in place... they are saying If he takes the plea they MAY drop the protection order (that she asked them to drop also), all he wants is to see his baby boy, so he is saying he has to take the plea in HOPES (roll of the dice) that they drop the protection so he can see his baby.

I am trying to convince him to fight it!


suggestions ANYONE PLEASE


Domestic violence (I know, touchy subject)?
Post Opinion