My boyfriend of two years told if I don’t work out, he essentially would break up with me?


before this convo went on since he met me I was mid size girl I used to be more heavy than what I am now. my weight always fluctuates but it’s not tremendously difference if I go up/down on my weight & during summer I always lose a bit of weight and in winter I tend to gained some.. in the past he has brought up the idea of him going to gym or if I’ll like to go with Him. which is no biggie. this morning he brought up let’s go to the gym or let’s go run? to lose the belly and be healthy & I said we can go walking.. and he said to the treadmill? & I was like i don’t know we’ll see.. cuz take in mind atm I feel like I have gained weight and I felt bad about my body so that’s why I was skeptical when he brought it up. Later I told him why did he do something that I didn’t like? he said his reason & I told him he shouldn’t make excuses and that’s when said im not reciprocating & that he wants me to act like a women and that how I been behaving he doesn’t like it? And if I continue like that it’s not going to work out.. I told what he meant by not acting like a women since he wasn’t doing some bare minimum stuff that I ask for like good morning texts so I told him he can’t ask for stuff if he ain’t doing his part. And he responded with “because i want to you to be healthy and i want you to look hot for me” so I said “so you saying you are going to break up with me if I don't work out” he said “ basically, cuz think about this? what if rn that we are dating i am working and paying for everything and when we get married i stop doing that? how would you feel? I said Well I guess we should be done here cuz I don't want to do it for you, l should be doing it for myself anyway. And he said ok that works for me, thanks tho’. I told him he knew I wasn’t a skinny girl & he said well what if i wanna change it now? to be better cuz i don't want something bad for you” & I told him if he really was doing it to help me, he would approach it differently & not threatening to break up.

My boyfriend of two years told if I don’t work out, he essentially would break up with me?
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