What is the point of getting in a relationship if you will be underwhelmed?


I have never been in a relationship before and honestly I don't even see the point of even pursuing one. I see other men get into relationships where the woman they're with are more sexually experienced than the men are, and yet women still determine what the man gets out of their relationship, and if a man doesn't comply or wants the same thing she would do for other men, she will leave him. I don't understand how a man could voluntarily choose to be monogamous with a woman if she has a history of not being monogamous herself. And this is what is expected of most men. Most men are treated like having a debt to society of being strictly monogamous to one woman and being her financial support while she gave her absolutely best to other men. I don't understand why a man would voluntarily settle for this, and I for one know i do not want this for myself.

What is the point of getting in a relationship if you will be underwhelmed?
9 Opinion