My Understanding on the Symbolism of Fire

My Understanding on the Symbolism of Fire

I believe everything in the bible has two meanings

Salt is both a symbol for humility and a symbol for judgment - but not carnal or ego based judgment but spiritual judgment which makes people merciful and protective and respectful rather than prideful and competitive and vain

Light is both a symbol for sweetness and a symbol for connection

Darkness is both a symbol for war and a symbol for separation

Now I will discuss fire

I know I asked about fire just 40 minutes ago but it took only that long for me to figure out its meaning

So to me fire is a symbol for passion and for intercessory prayer though in the bible intercession may be removed and fire could be purely an allegorical representation for prayer -whether intercessory or not

This is why in the bible the ones who offered unholy prayer or unholy intercessory prayer which is manipulation and blocking or unholy passion - was sentenced to death

Also Paul said our God is a consuming fire so our God is a consuming prayer for holiness and our God is a consuming passion for righteousness and love and our God is a consuming intercessory prayer for the salvation of souls

The bible says fire never satisfies itself but always hungers - so prayer is always wanting more prayer and passion also has endless passion for holiness and intercession is endless since eternal salvation lasts forever

Do a google search right now of every instance where fire is mentioned in the bible and substitute each use of fire for the word prayer / praying / prayed / prayerfully or passion / impassioned / passionate

And you will see that fire represents passion

My Understanding on the Symbolism of Fire
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