Why I Think White People Suffer the Most From Racism in the Modern World


I've been wanting to make a myTake for a while and now I finally have something to talk about - everybody's favourite subject, racism! Before we start however, let's define what racism actually is. A lot of people seem to have forgotten these days, so let's remind them.

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior, or the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Now let's have a look at a few examples of what racism is and what racism isn't.

What racism is

The reason I believe white people suffer the most from racial bigotry today, is mostly because of SJW's that have warped the meaning of the word so that it only applies to minorities - you can only be racist against a minority, and if you're white, you have a subconscious racism. Or some bullshit like that anyway. However, this is completely wrong. Take a look at this: Man spits in baby’s face and tells mother: ‘White people shouldn’t breed’ This is a bit racist, and the fact the man was spared jail when you can be arrested for tweeting about Muslims kinda shows a bit of racial bias. You can be arrested over a tweet (also note the lack of context) about Muslims, but spitting in the face of a baby and saying white people shouldn't breed is perfectly ok.

What racism isn't

Let's take a look at these two statements:

-Black Lives Matter

-White Lives Matter

Which one is racist? Well, neither, of course. Both are putting the message forward that the lives of x group of people matters, it doesn't necessarily exclude anyone. A more ideal message is "All Lives Matter", but apparently that's racist because it's excluding minorities. Which it isn't - it's saying all lives matter, so the people who say it's excluding minorities are probably the ones that see them as less than human.

Why I Think White People Suffer the Most From Racism in the Modern World

"Hate speech"

I hate this term "hate speech" especially as a legal thing that you can get arrested for, because as we've seen in the past, something as simple as a silly tweet online or an edgy joke can get you arrested. But only if you're white. There are many examples of police being harassed by black people or otherwise breaking the law, such as the example I gave earlier, yet they tend to get off fairly easily, because people cry racism if a black person is thrown in jail, yet if you make an edgy joke such as teaching your dog to a Nazi salute in response to the phrase "gas the Jews", you can get arrested for hurting peoples feelings.

Now before I get the inevitable comments - I'm not racist, nor am I a Nazi, nor am I denying black people suffer from racism. I am simply trying to bring some light to the fact that white people tend to suffer from racism a lot more than we are led to believe. There is also a definite free speech issue starting to sprout up, but I'll probably cover that in another myTake.

@LonelyGuy87 I know it ain't a question but eh, I've been itching to make a myTake.

Why I Think White People Suffer the Most From Racism in the Modern World
79 Opinion