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ShaTTered Discussions: On The Problems With Blind Loyalty

Let me just preface this by saying that these are MY opinions. I understand that other people will have different ones and that is absolutely fine, but please don't come on here acting like you don't know how to have an adult conversation/debate. I'm all for open discussions, but what I'm not here for is being disrespected. So please leave it at the door. Thanks!

ShaTTered Discussions: On The Problems With Blind Loyalty

Now, first things first, being loyal and having a sense of loyalty is one of the best traits to have. And one that I think most people get confused by. Being loyal does not mean that I'm going to follow you to the ends of the earth and ignore all the horrible shit you've done along the way. You can absolutely give constructive criticism and let someone know that they're wrong while still being loyal. It's when you blindly follow along without questioning anything and just "going with the flow" that causes problems.

When I think of blind loyalty, I typically think of Americans. And right now I know that some of you are thinking "but ShaTTered, I thought YOU were an American". I am. However, I am also a person that will ask questions and voice my opinions against norms. I feel like in America people think that if they say something against what is considered the norm, it makes them less “American”. It's always “if you don't like what's going on here or if you don't like how we do things in America, then you can leave”. I don't think that questioning the way that our government is run, or questioning the systems that are in place and the fairness of them is wrong. On the contrary, I think that we should always be questioning the systems that are in place and the laws and government issues. Question all of it!!! I think people are so focused on being devoted and having this sense of allegiance, that they willingly ignore the wrong things that are right in front of their face. I honestly think that it's easier for people to have this sense of blind loyalty than actually addressing the real-life problems that this country has. I also feel like another big issue here is that people feel the need to downgrade or downplay other people’s experiences because they haven't experienced the same exact thing. And that's not even just an American thing, I think that it’s a human thing. People are very quick to denounce something that they haven't experienced as if it couldn't possibly be true for someone else. I feel like people are lacking in having compassion and empathy for one another. Going back to America, I feel like most people here are just so caught up in being this Patriot and having this blind loyalty to this country that they will gladly overlook the shitshow that is going on right now.

Blind loyalty will lead you right off a cliff.
Blind loyalty will lead you right off a cliff.

Having blind loyalty is dangerous above all else. Because when you are blindly loyal, you are accepting things no matter who they hurt and how they hurt even if the thing or person being hurt is related to you or you yourself. And this isn't even just about blind loyalty when it comes to your country, or your race or your ideals. Because it is just as dangerous to be blindly loyal to a person or people. Please understand that your first responsibility is to be loyal to YOURSELF. That means calling people out when you feel that they're wrong or when you feel that they're doing something that you don't like or that hurts you. It is definitely OK to call someone out on their shit! That doesn't make you any less loyal or a bad friend or a bad partner. Being loyal to yourself means standing up for yourself. It means asking questions if you don't feel that something is right or you don't understand. It means speaking up on topics or issues that don't necessarily relate to you. Don't be so blindly loyal to something or someone else that you compromise your integrity and your values along the way.

Thank you guys for coming to my Ted talk LOL. If you’ve made it this far then I appreciate you taking the time out to read my thoughts and opinions on this topic. I look forward to the discussions that will come from this. See you guys on the threads!

😎 ❤ ✌🏾




ShaTTered Discussions: On The Problems With Blind Loyalty
Post Opinion