Understanding the actual purpose and studies of critical race theory

Critcal race theory helps to educate how laws in America helped to shape our country today. So let's discuss this.

Ok so it is obvious and clear what slavery was about. We do not need an education on this. It was a horrific and a horrible thing. But what happened after slavery, this is where things get swept under the rug.

How did America view the lost of their slaves?

Well simple. Many said wow we lost our property, we lost our pets. Now we have our pets freely walking around trying to pretend to be our equals.

We must create laws to keep them under control or they will over run us.

First thing they decided. They do not want their children to go to school, or have the same equal education.

Understanding the actual purpose and studies of critical race theory

So they decided black people were not good enough and did not belong in a white school.

Understanding the actual purpose and studies of critical race theory

Conditions of white schools compared to black schools far different. The learning materials far less. So impact white people have a superior education, while black people were under educated.

Laws about jobs. Yes there were laws in place prohibiting the hiring of "coloreds" basically if the job was a job that slaves used to do, this was the only jobs they were eligible to hire.

Then they thought about the fact that they might have to live with black people. They could not have this. So they created laws that black people had to live in designated towns, and they were the least desirable conditions, that no white person would want to live in.

Understanding the actual purpose and studies of critical race theory

Yes these signs and warning were posted. What happened if they were out pass cerfew? Arrests, lynchings and even murders.

Understanding the actual purpose and studies of critical race theory

Ok this isn't the end of it so then they thought about having to share facilities with us.

Understanding the actual purpose and studies of critical race theory

As you can see a far more appealing drinking fountain than the ones provided to black people

Understanding the actual purpose and studies of critical race theory

Yes slaves weren't set free. They were still slaves by the laws in place to keep the slaves enslaved.

Understanding the actual purpose and studies of critical race theory

So well that was a long time ago right. Was it really?

Martin Luther king jr marched on Washington in 1963. That is during my grandparents childhood. And the march only begun to make people think about what was happening needed to change.

1964 civil rights act passed.

But barely anything changed so 1972 the equal employment act passed.

It wasn't until 1987 that the civil rights restoration act passed that said business that were receiving federal funds must follow the civil rights act. Basically meaning the civil rights act was not being followed or enforced. So up till 1987 business were freely and opening refusing hiring of black people with no repercussions.

So yeah my parents were both of school age when these laws were in place.

So you think laws in place prohibiting black people the same simple right to get a job, or a proper education or home didn't make life harder for black people to be successful?

You think the laws who allowed white people to murder any black people they wanted to wasn't something that held our progress back?

Do you think black people had the same rights as white people after slavery, with incidents like black wallstreet happened and lake laneer with no white people arrested for their actions?

Both incidents were black ran towns, and very successfully ran. White people took offense to this, and murdered the entire town and than claimed it as their own.

Black wallstreet they went as far as to get their crop dusters create homemade bombs and fly over the town dropping bombs on it, and anyone left alive was murdered.

So critical race theory speaks about how these laws shaped racial struggles in America and how today there are still impact on the black community with climbing out of a hole created by first over a hundred years of slavery, and another hundred years of being enslaved by separate laws preventing us the same opportunities as white people.

Basically it looks at a very uncomfortable truth in America that has been downplayed, and dismissed.

It shows how starting us off as slaves, actually carried on after being freed because for most Americans they could and still cannot see us, as nothing more than property that should never have been taken from them.

So yes these laws have impact in society today, because we are starting to get the equal opportunities as other Americans.

Also what other impacts do see. Many white Americans complain about black history month. These laws helped create this.

White Americans did not want to acknowledge our history. So they excluded it. So it was asked to included and after lots of push back and negotiating the agreement was made, we will not include black history in US history instead we will give you 1 month to learn about it but with restrictions to what can be taught.

HBCU laws prevented black people to go to college with white people so black people had to find their own education by creating colleges that allowed black people to go to college.

Affirmative action well do i really need to explain this? We weren't allowed the same employment opportunities and when it was ruled to take that law away, they basically continued it but less openly.

So modern day, laws and restrictions for hundreds of years of only allowing white males to assume positions of power, has created an advantage, I don't care what race, or gender you are. Nobody is going to willingly share the power they created.

So are we behind from the laws that held us back? Yes? Are we catching up? Yes? But if were given the same opportunities after slavery would America look the same? Would the current layout in employment, crime living conditions have the same outcome?

No. We have proven in the last 20 years that we are more than capable as being equal to any other race in America, we show that we are gaining ground on the areas that we were purposely held back, by laws. But it will take more than one generation to fix something that hundreds of years broke

Understanding the actual purpose and studies of critical race theory
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